NEW! Online nutrition resources for your childcare centre.

NEW! Online nutrition resources for your childcare centre.



SNACPlus is a resource to help early childhood educators introduce food and nutrition to the children in their care.

Edith Cowan University with funding from Healthway has developed materials for use in childcare centres, and this program has been developed to meet many of the requirements of the ‘Early Years Learning Framework’ and ‘National Quality Standards’ that aim to improve education and care across long day care, family day care, preschool/kindergarten, and outside school hours care.

To access this resource, please click on the ‘REGISTER’ tab above, complete the site registration form, and acknowledge the term and conditions.

If you are an existing SNAC member, you will be able to access these modules with your existing log-in details – just click on the tabs at the top of this page to navigate the SNACPlus web pages.

If you are from a designated pilot centre, please ensure you check the correct box in the registration form.

We hope you find these online resources useful!